
Nationwide Network of Fabrication Shops

No matter where you operate across the U.S., we have state-of-the-art Fire Protection Fabrication facilities strategically located to serve you nationwide:

Alabama (Trinity)

2060 Cooperage Way
Trinity, AL 35673
P: 260.487.2100
Garrett Henderson, Fab Shop Manager

Fort Wayne, IN

5201 Investment Drive
Fort Wayne, IN 46808
P: 260.487.7905
Justin Sarrazin, Fab Shop Manager

Arizona (Glendale)

5220 North 51st Avenue, Unit 5
Glendale, AZ  85301

Fort Wayne, IN

1818 Research Drive
Fort Wayne, IN 46808
P: 260.740.7721
Ryan Brumbaugh, Fab Shop Manager

Arizona (Kingman)

4900 North Industrial Blvd.
Kingman, AZ 86401
P: 260.888.4583
Logan Strate, Fab Shop Manager

Michigan (Kalamazoo)

1018 Staples Avenue
Kalamazoo, MI 49007
P: 269.760.7900
Greg Himes, Fab Shop Manager 

California (Brea)

3233 Enterprise Street
Brea, CA 92821
P: 714.308.9314
Vince Molina, Fab Shop Manager 

Ohio ( Masury)

1261 Standard Avenue Building 16 
Masury, OH 44438
P: 260.410.4401
Nick Winkler, Fab Shop Manager